Streamline your documentation process with our digital dictation and transcription.

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Optimize your documentation workflow through our innovative digital dictation and transcription technology, enabling you to efficiently dictate consultation notes, letters, and more with ease.


Speech to text

Record dictations using your computer, smartphone, or digital recorder. Simply speak into the microphone and watch as your words convert into text in real-time.

Dictate and Have Your Secretary Transcribe Effortlessly

Dictate your notes and leave the transcription work to your secretary using our transcription editor with customizable formatting options, so they can tailor your transcripts to match your preferences and requirements.


Extended Transcription Services

  • Our technology allows you to dictate notes, letters, which are then accurately transcribed into text format by our skilled transcriptionists. They carefully listen to your recordings and transcribe them into text format, ensuring accuracy and clarity in every transcription.  sent for your review directly to your Salutem platform. 

  • Our team of proofreaders review each transcription for Quality Assurance to ensure that it is free from errors and inconsistencies before they are sent for your review directly to your Salutem platform.


Try our

Salutem Mobile App

Seamlessly exchange patient information with other healthcare systems and external stakeholders, such as hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, and referral networks. This ensures that consultation notes are integrated into the broader continuum of care.

Meaningful Time Optimization,

while on the move

Access patient records and manage your practice on the go with our mobile-friendly platform. Stay connected wherever you are.

It’s time to try Salutem